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The watercolor from a new perspective plays with its physical state: liquid watercolor is frozen (solid), then melted on watercolor paper (liquid) and sometimes vaporized with the use of fire. When on ice, it temporarily lends a sculptural character to the work. In his experiment, the artist modifies his painting technique, mixing and printing the ink to the paper. The next process is photograph, which is printed on sticker paper and attached to acrylic plates. The allusion to bacterial culture plaques is one of the purposes of using this support. To assemble the artist as a gallery, these plates are attached to a raincoat, as a reference the uniform used in laboratories that deal with dangerous bacteria. To go out into the streets is to make the work complete at its core, to be a Gallery Artist.

Pedro Mandarino – Pandemic, 2020, Brazil


laboratory exhibition

The Laboratory exhibition is part of the Gallery Artist project. The purpose this time is to perform a virtual exhibition due to the current pandemic period. Thus the idea is that the gallery is exhibited on the website, where the work on the streets will be shown in photos and videos, as well as works carried out throughout the process which are on display and available for purchase. Besides, there has been an online debate with guests discussing works in multimedia, performance and pictorial format, using the Zoom platform.

- All images produced during the pandemic period followed all safety standards.

The Gallery Artist project, by Pedro Mandarino, opened the new Laboratory exhibition, and the opening event was a critical debate with Jozias Benedicto and Osvaldo Carvalho.


Ficha técnica 

Artista Galeria #02 Laboratório online 
Artista visual: Pedro Mandarino (pintor e performer) 
Produção: Rizza Habitá 
Diálogo crítico: Isabel Portella (curadora e crítica de arte) e Bernardo Mangina (pintor e crítico de arte) 
Agradecimento: Instituto Butantan 

Rio de Janeiro 
Gravação Chroma Key - Studio 188 - Botafogo
Performance: Pedro Mandarino
Produção: Rizza Habitá 
Roteiro: VJ Lê Pantoja 
Direção de fotografia: Fernando Macedo 
Gaffer: Luiz Xerém 
Assistente gaffer: Harley 
Making of e assistência de arte: Beatriz Salgado 
Designer de objeto: Lucas Fonseca 
Locação de móveis e objetos: Acervo da Casa e Joelma Imaculada Soluções

São Paulo
Projeção #02 Laboratório - Instituto Butantan
Artista: Pedro Mandarino
Produção: Rizza Habitá 
Assessoria de comunicação:  ACTA Comunicação Integrada 
Apoio: Comunicação Butantan
Equipe técnica 
Montagem material de projeção: VJ Lê Pantoja 
Câmera: Gabriel Zambon
Operador de drone: Victor de la Rosa 
Equipe de projeção: Ricardo Macedo - On Projeções 
Fotógrafo: Rodrigo Ferreira
Direção técnica: Ligia Alonso

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Pedro  Mandarino
Rua Gonçalves Dias, 30 - Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
CNPJ 41.129.254 / 0001-91
Delivery time 15 working days

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